Sunday, June 10, 2012

I really wish I had the time

Time, how can I get more of it? It just seems to whizz by, winking at me as I try to catch up. So much to do so little time.If I was a super hero I would want to be the flash.

Monday, December 26, 2011

When I start to question life

At this time of year I always question the meaning of life.I really want to believe in an afterlife, but all the evidence says there isn't one. I have never had a sign or even a clue from the people who I have loved who have passed on. I know there are people who will say one must have faith,but I need solid proof.

This is really annoying

Tried to re-connect to my blog after years of not bothering. Disappointed to find that the cyber world has moved on without me.I had to jump through hoops to re-enstate my blog. I will not stay away so long again.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ever had one of those moments?

Ever had one of those moments when all you want to do is crawl back under the covers the minute you open your eyes and realize that it's morning.After spending most of yesterday indulging myself with the best of the eighties music on VHI ( I really went back in time)I found myself remembering such gems like the 'only way is up' with Yaz,big shoulder pads and oversized clothes. I woke up this morning and realised that I really liked the eighties and that Tony Blair's got nothing on Maggie.